DAISY by Phixel Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “DAISY” by Phixel from the album SHAPES AND COLORS (2020)? More than 12 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “DAISY”.

DAISY en Lyrics [Phixel]

Quote from the song “DAISY” by Phixel

You get in my head
Every once in a while
My tongue tastes like bile
And I hate it
You get in my bed
And you tell me those lies
Red pills and wine
In the matrix


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DAISY lyrics [Phixel]

Phixel: DAISY Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “DAISY”

  • Produced: Goonpack, Phixel
  • Written: Phixel
  • DAISY Remixes: DAISY (Postmaximalist Drunken Rave Mix) by Phixel, DAISY (Boxkitty Remix) by Phixel, DAISY (Aggressive Plasticity Mix) by Phixel
  • Release Date:

DAISY lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: DAISY lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “DAISY”:

  • Produced: Goonpack, Phixel
  • rn
  • Written: Phixel
  • rn
  • DAISY Remixes: DAISY (Postmaximalist Drunken Rave Mix) by Phixel, DAISY (Boxkitty Remix) by Phixel, DAISY (Aggressive Plasticity Mix) by Phixel

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “DAISY” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “DAISY” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


You get in my head
Every once in a while
My tongue tastes like bile
And I hate it
You get in my bed
And you tell me those lies
Red pills and wine
In the matrix


I've been seeing daisies, daisies
They've been on my mind, I feel lazy
I been on my grind, baby, save me
Put me to the edge, that's abrasive, brasive


And every once in a while
We all need to calm down
Every once in a while
We all wear the red gown


I've been seeing daisies, daisies
They've been on my mind, I feel lazy
I been on my grind, baby, save me
Put me to the edge, that's abrasive, brasive


I've been seeing da-dai-da-da-da-da-da-my-I'm-da-
