Defining Moments by Phinehas Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Defining Moments” by Phinehas from the album The Fire Itself (2021)? More than 12 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Defining Moments”.

Defining Moments en Lyrics [Phinehas]
Defining Moments English Lyrics Album The Fire Itself

Quote from the song “Defining Moments” by Phinehas

What is love without a cost?
What is faith without loss?
This is your price to pay
You have something to give, not just to take

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Defining Moments lyrics [Phinehas]

Phinehas: Defining Moments Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Defining Moments”

Phinehas - “Defining Moments” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Phinehas will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Defining Moments?
  • Where is Defining Moments music video clip?
  • Who was in the Defining Moments official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Defining Moments?
  • What is the meaning of the song Defining Moments?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Defining Moments”

  • Produced: Daniel Gailey, Sean McCulloch
  • Written: Daniel Gailey, Isaiah Perez, Sean McCulloch
  • Composer: Daniel Gailey, Isaiah Perez
  • Lyricist: Sean McCulloch
  • Release Date: August 27, 2021

Defining Moments lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Defining Moments lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Defining Moments” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Defining Moments” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

What is love without a cost?
What is faith without loss?
This is your price to pay
You have something to give, not just to take

I am not an instrument to be thoughtlessly played
Nor a step for you to rest your feet
I am not a precious stone to be stolen or sold away
Nor to be used like a weapon in a vengeful scheme
Love is more

Whether these words will be scars
Or written on your heart

You have a choice to make
Love is what is left over
When being in love fadеs away
This is your price to pay
Faith is more than just leaving
Whеn every second is spent in pain
You have a choice

I do not lift you up for you to condescend
Nor do I promise you hurt will end
I do not agree to vows if left at the alter
Faith is more than a crutch for when you falter
You have a choice to make
Love is what is left over
When being in love fades away
This is your price to pay
Faith is more than just leaving
When every second is spent in pain
You have a choice

This is your price to pay
You have something to give, not just to take
Don't fear death
Fear death not knowing true love

Whether these words will be scars
Or written on your heart

You have a choice to make
Love is what is left over
When being in love fades away
This is your price to pay
Faith is more than just leaving
When every second is spent in pain
You have a choice to make
Love is what is left over
When being in love fades away
This is your price to pay
Faith is more than just leaving
When every second is spent in pain
You have a choice to make
Don't fear death
Fear death not knowing true love