A Diamond in the Mud by Pete Statham Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “A Diamond in the Mud” by Pete Statham from the album Fearless (2014)? More than 61 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “A Diamond in the Mud”.

A Diamond in the Mud en Lyrics [Pete Statham]
A Diamond in the Mud English Lyrics Album Fearless

Quote from the song “A Diamond in the Mud” by Pete Statham

Here I stand
Facing my demons
I'm in no-man's land
Will it ever end?


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A Diamond in the Mud lyrics [Pete Statham]

Pete Statham: A Diamond in the Mud Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “A Diamond in the Mud”

  • Written: Pete Statham
  • Release Date: 2014

A Diamond in the Mud lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: A Diamond in the Mud lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “A Diamond in the Mud” Released in 2014

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “A Diamond in the Mud” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Here I stand
Facing my demons
I'm in no-man's land
Will it ever end?

Lying in bed
Thoughts distracting me
Playing games in my head
I'm drowning in a sea

When I enter the tunnels
With the dragons
Will there be hope, faith
Will I dare confront my fears?

Here I stand
Facing my demons
I'm in no-man's land
Will it ever end?

Lying in bed
Thoughts distracting me
Playing games in my head
I'm drowning in a sea

When I enter the tunnels
With the dragons
Will there bе hope, faith
Will I dare confront my fears?
Hеre I stand
Facing my demons
I'm in no-man's land
Will it ever end?

When I wake up
I might find
A diamond in the mud