The Carpenter Sun by Pere Ubu Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “The Carpenter Sun” by Pere Ubu from the album Lady from Shanghai (2013)? More than 70 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “The Carpenter Sun”.

The Carpenter Sun en Lyrics [Pere Ubu]
The Carpenter Sun English Lyrics Album Lady from Shanghai

Quote from the song “The Carpenter Sun” by Pere Ubu

Well such are housed in a dream place
Well such are housed in the…
There’s a curtain
I’m behind a curtain
And window
Behind a curtain
And a window
Behind a corridor
The carpenter sun
With love
Desires of the smell
It’s unreal
Screaming the truth
The rest can go
In there
The end
How there be no priest

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The Carpenter Sun lyrics [Pere Ubu]

Pere Ubu: The Carpenter Sun Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “The Carpenter Sun” Released in 2013

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “The Carpenter Sun” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Well such are housed in a dream place
Well such are housed in the…
There’s a curtain
I’m behind a curtain
And window
Behind a curtain
And a window
Behind a corridor
The carpenter sun
With love
Desires of the smell
It’s unreal
Screaming the truth
The rest can go
In there
The end
How there be no priest