GMT by Oliver Sim Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “GMT” by Oliver Sim from the album Hideous Bastard (The Antidote Edition) (2022)? More than 70 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “GMT”.

GMT en Lyrics [Oliver Sim]
GMT English Lyrics Album Hideous Bastard (The Antidote Edition)

Quote from the song “GMT” by Oliver Sim

I'm on Greenwich Mean Time missing you, missing you
Someone decided to save my life, pink and blue, pink and blue
There's a parting in the sky just moments before night and
I'll be just fine, I'm missing you, missing you

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GMT lyrics [Oliver Sim]

Oliver Sim: GMT Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “GMT”

Oliver Sim - “GMT” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Oliver Sim will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples GMT?
  • Where is GMT music video clip?
  • Who was in the GMT official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song GMT?
  • What is the meaning of the song GMT?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “GMT”

  • Produced: Jamie xx
  • Written: Brian Wilson, Jamie xx, Oliver Sim, Van Dyke Parks
  • Mixing Engineer: David Wrench
  • Engineer: Lexxx
  • Release Date: July 7, 2022

GMT lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: GMT lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “GMT”:

  • GMT Remixes: GMT (Jamie xx Remix) by Oliver Sim

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “GMT” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “GMT” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


I'm on Greenwich Mean Time missing you, missing you
Someone decided to save my life, pink and blue, pink and blue
There's a parting in the sky just moments before night and
I'll be just fine, I'm missing you, missing you

[Verse 1]

Writing you a pen to paper letter
I wanna fold myself inside
Boring as it is to talk about the weather
This shift has come just in time
Something bigger than me just over my head
It's the peach, the orange, the blue, the purple, pink and rеd


I'm on Greenwich Mean Time missing you, missing you
Someonе decided to save my life, pink and blue, pink and blue
There's a parting in the sky just moments before night and
I'll be just fine, I'm missing you, missing you

[Verse 2]

As if the city took one look at me
And opened up the sky
In a gesture of sweet, sweet sympathy
But who the hell am I?
I have feelings enough of two
I can love this city whilst missing you


I'll be just fine, I'm missing you, missing you
I'm on Greenwich Mean Time missing you, missing you
Someone decided to save my life, pink and blue, pink and blue
There's a parting in the sky just moments before night and
I'll be just fine, I'm missing you, missing you

GMT performed by Oliver Sim alternate

GMT Performed by Oliver Sim Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “GMT”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?

    Jamie and I had gone to Australia. This was before COVID and we’d started the record. I had gone there to bypass the English winter because seasonal depression is real. We’d started in Sydney and we road-tripped down to Byron Bay just listening to lots of music. We were listening to The Beach Boys and I started singing things in the car. When we got to Byron Bay, we ended up sampling The Beach Boys on the song. I was in this beautiful sunshine yet still pining for London a little bit. I think there is an inherent melancholy about London, which has been the driving force for so much amazing creativity. This was a jet-lagged love song about London.

    — via Apple Music