Tender Lumplings Live Intro by Oingo Boingo Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Tender Lumplings Live Intro” by Oingo Boingo (2015)? More than 75 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Tender Lumplings Live Intro”.
Quote from the song “Tender Lumplings Live Intro” by Oingo Boingo
And so, my tender lumplings, let my welcome hear you now. Into our flesh-pink home of hearts, we greet you with a bow. So entertain we must (We may!) our pleasure from within, the Oingo Boingo treasure chest of lust and mortal sin! We'll take you to a place you'd like to visit least of all, where great-great aunts and uncles died and worms and spiders crawl. The graveyard is a peaceful place where people tread about, but late at night the tenants leave their rooms to sing and shout. So take heed, brothers, the full moon grows! And may the good lord save your souls!
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Tender Lumplings Live Intro”
- Written: Danny Elfman
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Tender Lumplings Live Intro”:
- Written: Danny Elfman
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Tender Lumplings Live Intro” Released in 2015
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Tender Lumplings Live Intro” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
And so, my tender lumplings, let my welcome hear you now. Into our flesh-pink home of hearts, we greet you with a bow. So entertain we must (We may!) our pleasure from within, the Oingo Boingo treasure chest of lust and mortal sin! We'll take you to a place you'd like to visit least of all, where great-great aunts and uncles died and worms and spiders crawl. The graveyard is a peaceful place where people tread about, but late at night the tenants leave their rooms to sing and shout. So take heed, brothers, the full moon grows! And may the good lord save your souls!