XL by Noizy Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “XL” by Noizy from the album ALPHA (2023)? More than 149 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “XL”.

XL en Lyrics [Noizy]
XL English Lyrics Album ALPHA

Quote from the song “XL” by Noizy

She no want no soft Don
Huh, she love a bad man
The way she move she turning me on
She a XL everywhere Batty and front
She no want no soft Don
She love a bad man
The way she move she turning me on
She a XL everywhere Batty and front


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XL lyrics [Noizy]

Noizy: XL Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “XL”

Noizy - “XL” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Noizy will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples XL?
  • Where is XL music video clip?
  • Who was in the XL official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song XL?
  • What is the meaning of the song XL?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “XL”

  • Produced: PANDA MUSIC
  • Written: Noizy, Bannzz, Tonic, Denk, DJR BEATZ
  • Release Date: April 7, 2023

XL lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: XL lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “XL” Released in 2023

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “XL” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Teksti i "XL"]


She no want no soft Don
Huh, she love a bad man
The way she move she turning me on
She a XL everywhere Batty and front
She no want no soft Don
She love a bad man
The way she move she turning me on
She a XL everywhere Batty and front


Huh, she no want no soft Don
She love a bad man
The way she move she turning me on
She a XL everywhere Batty and front, hm hm
She no want no soft Don
The way she movе she turning me on
Huh, she lovе a bad man
She a XL everywhere Batty and front

[Verse 1]

Cunat ready ready ready sikur fortnite
Jena krejt shume steady ready edhe vandal
E mbrojme territorin ton, kangal
Mos na prek ku s'bon shoki se nuk ta fal
Po don me kcy po nuk ta ma
Po hyn n'valle dhe nuk din me dal ma
I hin lojes dhe nuk di ka ta ma
Dhe krejt shoket e forte tash nuk i ki ma
Oh Zini stop, yeah Zini don't stop
Nuk o puna veç te leku jam ma i miri sot per sot
Qesh ma i miri vjet edhe 15 vjet mbrapsh
Edhe kur t'ndrroj jete une do jem ma i miri prape


She love bad man bad mind
Transforma head to toe on bloodline
Hit from the back it like a gunshot
So I take out me camera Snapchat


She no want no soft Don
She love a bad man
The way she move she turning me on
She a XL everywhere Batty and front, hm hm
She no want no soft Don
The way she move she turning me on
Huh, she love a bad man
She a XL everywhere Batty and front

[Verse 2]

Ready ready ready we no turn back
Not afraid from no body
Not afraid from no man
Steady steady making 24 cash
Ting on my wrist no need to talk much
Ride around like Batman
Krejt zi kombinim bad gyal bad man
She want gold like Packman
Go deeper 'till ur eyes roll back gyal
Make it touch down
Turn around and look back
You reverse now
Make it slide like that
Push down
Wave when it bounce
Push down
Wave when it bounce


She love bad man bad mind
Transforma head to toe on bloodline
Hit from the back it sound like gunshot
So I take out me camera Snapchat


She no want no soft Don
She love a bad man
The way she move she turning me on
She a XL everywhere Batty and front, hm hm
She no want no soft Don
The way she move she turning me on
Huh, she love a bad man
She a XL everywhere Batty and front