Looking for the English lyrics to “KNOWLEDGE” by N. BLANCO (2017)? More than 199 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “KNOWLEDGE”.

KNOWLEDGE English Lyrics

Quote from the song “KNOWLEDGE” by N. BLANCO

Letra de "KNOWLEDGE"

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Official Music Video Song “KNOWLEDGE”

N. BLANCO - “KNOWLEDGE” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of N. BLANCO will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples KNOWLEDGE?
  • Where is KNOWLEDGE music video clip?
  • Who was in the KNOWLEDGE official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song KNOWLEDGE?
  • What is the meaning of the song KNOWLEDGE?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “KNOWLEDGE”

  • Produced: Jchl prod
  • Written: N. BLANCO
  • Recorded At: FMRDS,
  • Release Date: July 30, 2017

KNOWLEDGE lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: KNOWLEDGE lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “KNOWLEDGE” Released in 2017

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “KNOWLEDGE” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Letra de "KNOWLEDGE"


Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is:

[Estrofa I]

Escupo rimas que aniquilan a toyacos
Sin ningún estilo, ni mensaje, ni trabajo
Carga los vinilos, que traje tol' malaje y capullo yo vengo desde abajo
No me rebajo ante ignorantes como tú
Que hablan de Hip Hop without listening to WU
Your shit is wack, come on kid, come on
Tú sigue con Arcángel, yo con M.Padrón
I'm super lyrical, like Big Pun y Nasty como Nas
O el uno como KRS en el Bronx
I ain't no joke
Y como el gordo B.I. doble G. I. E
I may kick your door
It's the start of your ending
Niñatos, que buscan sonar y estar todo el día trending
Os mato, de amarillo y con katana rollo Quentin
Y clavo el molinillo como Dominique Wilkins


Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is:

[Estrofa II]

Alabo grupos de mi isla y ni se lo creen
Pero sin duda son referentes como Wu Tang
Click-clack, walalala len
Listen to my canary slang go Bang!
No has oído a Lauryn en los Fugees
Y flipas con Nicki y con su booty
Vas de Garnett antes de llegar a Celtics
Machaco en tu cara como Pau en Grizzlies
Come clean, like Jeru the Damaja
I brought my lyrical shotgun to shoot-at-ya
Police no saben como ACABará
Ignoran que guardo una última bala en la recámara
A.K.A.T.A me cubre la espalda
Limpiando la cultura de esa puta esencia amarga
It don't matter if you bust cans or bust pistols
I'm gonna shine, like motherfucking raw crystals


Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is, who it is:

Droppin' bombz in da streetz
You know who it is: