​tethered by ​muieternal Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “​tethered” by ​muieternal (2023)? More than 134 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “​tethered”.

​tethered en Lyrics [​muieternal]
​tethered English Lyrics

Quote from the song “​tethered” by ​muieternal

I just wanna think 'bout someone else
My thoughts, I can't shake my head around
And after all you did I hope your well
I don't really care about myself


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​tethered lyrics [​muieternal]

​muieternal: ​tethered Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “​tethered”

  • Produced: ​kidu
  • Written: ​muieternal
  • Release Date: June 8, 2023

​tethered lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: ​tethered lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “​tethered” Released in 2023

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “​tethered” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


I just wanna think 'bout someone else
My thoughts, I can't shake my head around
And after all you did I hope your well
I don't really care about myself

[Verse 1]

I just wanna think 'bout someone else
My thoughts, I can't shake my head around
And after all you did I hope your well
I don't really care about myself
And if you really care I'm doing well
Shawty why you say I'm like your hell
And I been tryna climb out my own shell
Nothing really matter when I hate myself
Decisions I can't decide
Tetherin' around my spine
Try to find the rеason why
Never gonna see my side
I can see thе distant light
I feel all the pain inside
Wishing you could read my mind
Broken what I had this time (Time)


It's me, me
Help me

[Verse 2]

I just wanna think 'bout someone else
My thoughts, I can't shake my head around
And after all you did I hope your well
I don't really care about myself
And if you really care I'm doing well
Shawty why you say I'm like your hell
And I been tryna climb out my own shell
Nothing really matter when I hate myself
Decisions I can't decide
Tetherin' around my spine
Try to find the reason why
Never gonna see my side
I can see the distant light
I feel all the pain inside
Wishing you could read my mind
Broken what I had this time (Time)


Decisions I can't decide
Tetherin' around my spine
Try to find the reason why
Never gonna see my side
I can see the distant light
I feel all the pain inside
Wishing you could read my mind
Broken what I had this time (Time)