Holy Roller B-Side by Mother Love Bone Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Holy Roller B-Side” by Mother Love Bone from the album On Earth as It Is: The Complete Works (2016)? More than 14 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Holy Roller B-Side”.

Holy Roller B-Side en Lyrics [Mother Love Bone]
Holy Roller B-Side English Lyrics Album On Earth as It Is: The Complete Works

Quote from the song “Holy Roller B-Side” by Mother Love Bone

Oooh baby gotta put me back together
I need your smooth dog lovin' oh, yeah
And so I'm sending off the little monster
Gonna turn it up inside your head


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Holy Roller B-Side lyrics [Mother Love Bone]

Mother Love Bone: Holy Roller B-Side Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Holy Roller B-Side” Released in 2016

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Holy Roller B-Side” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Oooh baby gotta put me back together
I need your smooth dog lovin' oh, yeah
And so I'm sending off the little monster
Gonna turn it up inside your head

Do you believe?
Holy Roller
Like a holy roller
Like a holy roller
To my head

I said you loin queen parader
I won't get you down on all fours
And then you gotta show me what you're made of - little darling
I'll meet you child - by the backdoor babe

Like a holy roller
Like a holy roller
To my head

The love-bone breakdown

That's right. All right you people
See I, see I got somethin' to say to you people out there
You gotta listen to me people, you gotta listen to me
Yeeeeeah, the lord's comin' down people
Yeeeeeah he's gonna take ya whole, he's gonna eat ya whole people
Like a big grizzly bahr comin' out of the closet and eat ya whole
Ya see the lord's gonna come and get ya people and ya gotta beware
Because the Mother Love Bone camp knows what to do about it
Ya see I been around I seen a lotta long haired freaks in my day
But those boys in Mother Love Bone I'll tell ya they know what's right for ya
Ya know they're like Malt-O-Meal for ya, they're good for ya
They're like soup, they're like nothing bad, let me tell ya that much
I tell ya people, the lord's comin', and if you don't believe
And if you don't believe in what I can convey to ya, I tell ya people:
Love rock awaits ya people
Yeeeah lo and behold, lo and behold...