We Stand / We Fall by Mindfeed Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “We Stand / We Fall” by Mindfeed from the album Ten Miles High (1998)? More than 46 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “We Stand / We Fall”.
Quote from the song “We Stand / We Fall” by Mindfeed
Take me now into your arms
And show one last time
You are and where
More than night and day
Your strength could
Take my pain away
But here it is
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “We Stand / We Fall”
- Produced: Andy Sneap
- Written: Glynn Morgan
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “We Stand / We Fall”:
- Produced: Andy Sneap rn
- Written: Glynn Morgan
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “We Stand / We Fall” Released in 1998
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “We Stand / We Fall” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Take me now into your arms
And show one last time
You are and where
More than night and day
Your strength could
Take my pain away
But here it is
We stand, we fall
Dry your eyes now and save
All your tears tonight
We stand like
Thousands gone before
Still I'll rise, so save
All your tears tonight
It's not the way
That the end draws near
It's not the way
I can evade my fear
So I'm with you more each day
I'll sleep though I'm not far away
But here it is
We stand, we fall
Dry your eyes now and save
All your tears tonight
We stand like
Thousands gone before
Still I'll rise, so save
All your tears tonight
We stand, we fall
Dry your eyes now and save
All your tears tonight
We stand like
Thousands gone before
Still I'll rise, so save
All your tears tonight
We stand, we fall tonight: