Eyes Wide by Mic Familiar Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Eyes Wide” by Mic Familiar from the album Oblivion (2021)? More than 146 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Eyes Wide”.

Eyes Wide en Lyrics [Mic Familiar]
Eyes Wide English Lyrics Album Oblivion

Quote from the song “Eyes Wide” by Mic Familiar

Eyes getting wider
Sights setting fires
Might let the wire
Set this life’s wattage higher
Short out perspire
Excite my incisors
Ignite my desires
Bout as Rife as inspired


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Eyes Wide lyrics [Mic Familiar]

Mic Familiar: Eyes Wide Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Eyes Wide”

Mic Familiar - “Eyes Wide” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Mic Familiar will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Eyes Wide?
  • Where is Eyes Wide music video clip?
  • Who was in the Eyes Wide official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Eyes Wide?
  • What is the meaning of the song Eyes Wide?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Eyes Wide”

  • Produced: Mic Familiar
  • Written: Mic Familiar
  • Mastered: Marc Solomusic
  • Guitar: Marc Solomusic
  • Release Date: March 21, 2021

Eyes Wide lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Eyes Wide lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Eyes Wide” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Eyes Wide” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Eyes getting wider
Sights setting fires
Might let the wire
Set this life’s wattage higher
Short out perspire
Excite my incisors
Ignite my desires
Bout as Rife as inspired

Tore out this writer
From the rise of a tide's thirst
To spore and provide Earth with a pipe and a pyre
Shattering the mirror
Like it’s been likely admired
Flutter fly or squirm
Just to fight with other sperm
And what are my words but spiders in suffix terms
What have I learnеd that’s right enough that is confirmed
What are wisе words with lighters
Limits as outsiders?
If there’s a much bitter bigger pit of vipers
Crickets with subscribers
And hypocrites as vibers
Digging through crevices for fibers
The moonlight menaces
In eminence of life
Words embraced when they're used or just wasted on you
Eyes getting wider
Sights setting fires
Might let the wire
Set this life’s wattage higher
Short out perspire
Excite my incisors
Ignite my desire
Bout as Rife as inspired

Third eye works but it's bloodshot from watching
As if I've seen too much not bothered stopping
Feeling everything or just a dab of frosting
Feel those bubbles popping
Like the sharpest of tongues
To cut a cross accosting
I'd run along but for now, I'm power walking
Tithing relative to what the hour's opting
Watching this breath ascending wafting
Without a coffin
Unkempt yet making augments
To feel more conscious or be obnoxious
Be more confident or condescend
Place consequence in these consonants
Sit in astonishment should all cement to scale of a monument