Hercules by Mercury Rev Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Hercules” by Mercury Rev from the album All Is Dream (2001)? More than 173 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Hercules”.

Hercules en Lyrics [Mercury Rev]
Hercules English Lyrics Album All Is Dream

Quote from the song “Hercules” by Mercury Rev

In the morning your face cracks and falls to the sea
The sun follows your step end leads you back to me
You keep telling yourself that you're here but you're not alone
And you get the feeling that your mind is not your own


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Hercules lyrics [Mercury Rev]

Mercury Rev: Hercules Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Hercules”

  • Produced: Dave Fridmann, Jonathan Donahue, Sean “Grasshopper” Mackowiak, Jeff Mercel
  • Written: Jonathan Donahue, Sean “Grasshopper” Mackowiak, Jeff Mercel
  • Release Date: August 27, 2001

Hercules lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Hercules lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Hercules” Released in 2001

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Hercules” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

In the morning your face cracks and falls to the sea
The sun follows your step end leads you back to me
You keep telling yourself that you're here but you're not alone
And you get the feeling that your mind is not your own

In the evening the sun's red gown turns to brown
The moon follows you to the beach then it swallows you down
Strange how you change and end up at her feet
You keep telling yourself but you know your not be believed

You and me and Hercules in between
You and me and Hercules in between

Shadows rise from the plain, fifty men row
In the distance the ships in the waves cash in their load
On the hill stands Colossus and your mind is freezed
Clouds from your past now at last open to reveal

You and me and Hercules in between
You and me and Hercules in between

Cross the desert sand no one knows your name
And you wish you were somewhere else with some kind of fame
What appears as your shadow is formless as a mist
You keep telling your friends you know it exists
One become two then before you turns to three
Words climb your tongue like a ladder to speak
Drifting as you go but you row 'til it seems
All is one, all is mind, all is lost and you find all is dream

You and me Hercules in between...