In the Corner by Memorize the Dictionary Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “In the Corner” by Memorize the Dictionary from the album In the Wrong Place All the Time (2018)? More than 193 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “In the Corner”.

In the Corner en Lyrics [Memorize the Dictionary]
In the Corner English Lyrics Album In the Wrong Place All the Time

Quote from the song “In the Corner” by Memorize the Dictionary

Always know there's a little bit of what you are in everyone
And things don't look so bad if you can't believe your eyes
The crowd's faces are melting off
And I can't see straight
My brain is getting pins and needles
And my legs have insomnia

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In the Corner lyrics [Memorize the Dictionary]

Memorize the Dictionary: In the Corner Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “In the Corner”

Memorize the Dictionary - “In the Corner” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Memorize the Dictionary will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples In the Corner?
  • Where is In the Corner music video clip?
  • Who was in the In the Corner official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song In the Corner?
  • What is the meaning of the song In the Corner?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “In the Corner”

  • Produced: Luke Morris
  • Written: Luke Morris
  • Release Date: August 6, 2018

In the Corner lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: In the Corner lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “In the Corner” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “In the Corner” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Always know there's a little bit of what you are in everyone
And things don't look so bad if you can't believe your eyes
The crowd's faces are melting off
And I can't see straight
My brain is getting pins and needles
And my legs have insomnia

[Chorus 1]

I'm gonna try to open my eyelids
Live a little harder, stand a little tall
But you know it's hard, you know it's hard
To know if you're doing things right after all
I'm gonna try to open my eyelids
Live a little harder, stand a little tall
But you know it's hard, you know it's hard
To know if you're doing things right after all

[Verse 2]

Nobody's seemed to notice that I
Left and I'm still here
It certainly feels like I haven't missed much
It's easy to disappear
And now, of course, I miss it
Though I know I'll be drained
Seeing faces you don't connect with
To lay face down in the rain

[Chorus 2]

I'm gonna try to open my eyelids
Live a little harder, stand a little tall
But you know it's hard, you know it's hard
To know if you're doing things right after all
If I'm the only one feeling spite
That's supposed to make me the wrong one
But I just don't feel like I'm incorrect
Any more than I'm insane


And I don't think you could be aware
Or the dozens of other yous
And I don't think you'd really care
If you only knew
My viewpoint resets after every talk
Every thrilling moment's just thrown to the wind
Every new feeling's tossed down the stream
Of old thoughts and old memories
Buried in my sealed up can of dreams
Buried in my sealed up can of dreams

[Verse 3]

Don't cut yourself on the words that you vomit
But I might be overthinking it
I seem to consider exactly what you say
A whole lot more than you
I'm getting whiplash from this stationary yacht
I'm afraid I'll have to swim back in the cold

[Chorus 3]

I've stopped knowing what I want
So maybe I always get my way
I might not want to be cared about
Who can really say
Yeah, I'm gonna try to open my eyes
I think I might spout a joke or two
But you know it's hard
You see that it's hard
To know if you're doing things right after all
To know if you're doing things right after all


And of the few people that really care
You seem to be the most oblivious