A Man And His Dreams by Mel Tormé Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “A Man And His Dreams” by Mel Tormé from the album A Tribute To Bing Crosby (1994)? More than 199 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “A Man And His Dreams”.

A Man And His Dreams en Lyrics [Mel Tormé]
A Man And His Dreams English Lyrics Album A Tribute To Bing Crosby

Quote from the song “A Man And His Dreams” by Mel Tormé

You always stir my imagination
Sometimes it borders on fantasy
And sometimes I find visions flash
Through my mind close to reality


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A Man And His Dreams lyrics [Mel Tormé]

Mel Tormé: A Man And His Dreams Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “A Man And His Dreams”

  • Written: Mel Tormé
  • Violin: Maurice Dicterow, Robert Brousseau, Russ Cantor, James Getzoff, Israel Baker, Bonnie Douglas, Bobby Bruce
  • Trumpet: Randy Sandke
  • Tenor Saxaphone: Ken Peplowski
  • Viola: Helaine Wittenberg, Marilyn Baker, Jorge Moraga, Carole Mukogawa
  • Concert Master: Murray Adler
  • Conductor: Alan Broadbent
  • Cello: Paula Hochhalter, Ray Kramer, Jodi Burnett, Frederick Seykora
  • Guitar: Howard Alden
  • Drums: Donny Osborne
  • Piano: John Colianni
  • Bass: John Leitham
  • Arranged: Bob Krogstad, Angela Morley, Mel Tormé, Alan Broadbent
  • Release Date: January 1, 1994

A Man And His Dreams lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: A Man And His Dreams lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “A Man And His Dreams”:

  • A Man And His Dreams Is A Cover Of: A Man And His Dream by Bing Crosby

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “A Man And His Dreams” Released in 1994

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “A Man And His Dreams” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

You always stir my imagination
Sometimes it borders on fantasy
And sometimes I find visions flash
Through my mind close to reality

Night, a soft guitar, a hidden lane
A moon and here and there a star
For a man and his dream
Night, a crickets' cry, a whispered word
A kiss and now and then a sigh

For a man and his dream
And their eyes when they meet
Seem to say it's sublime
And their hearts proudly beat

To a tune that is older than time
Night must fade away and yet it leaves a love
So all the world will say
There's a man and his dream

And their eyes when they meet
Seem to say it's sublime
And their hearts proudly beat

To a tune that is older than time
Night must fade away and yet it leaves a love
So all the world will say
There's a man and his dream