Runner by Me and My Drummer Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Runner” by Me and My Drummer from the album The Hawk, The Beak, The Prey (2012)? More than 139 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Runner”.

Runner en Lyrics [Me and My Drummer]
Runner English Lyrics Album The Hawk, The Beak, The Prey

Quote from the song “Runner” by Me and My Drummer

Golden lights and a golden picture
Accompany this trip
My back feels pulled from some invisible force
This wagon brings souls to an end and heals the wounds they have
And at this speed the past gets lost
I think i should change
My attitude
There is a transformation going on
I know it
But it only ends up
In the most obvious facts
My warren is warm
But all my blood is cooled down
And the rooftops don't speak to me no more
I think i should change
My attitude
And the sky opened up
On this november day
And a ball of light
Hovered down and pierced
Our eyes to blindness
It said the sun chucks herself away
For our poor souls and that
Should make us think and maybe even change
Our attitude

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Runner lyrics [Me and My Drummer]

Me and My Drummer: Runner Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Runner”

  • Produced: Tobias Siebert
  • Written: Matze Pröllochs, Charlotte Brandi
  • Release Date: May 11, 2012

Runner lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Runner lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Runner” Released in 2012

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Runner” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Golden lights and a golden picture
Accompany this trip
My back feels pulled from some invisible force
This wagon brings souls to an end and heals the wounds they have
And at this speed the past gets lost
I think i should change
My attitude
There is a transformation going on
I know it
But it only ends up
In the most obvious facts
My warren is warm
But all my blood is cooled down
And the rooftops don't speak to me no more
I think i should change
My attitude
And the sky opened up
On this november day
And a ball of light
Hovered down and pierced
Our eyes to blindness
It said the sun chucks herself away
For our poor souls and that
Should make us think and maybe even change
Our attitude