Due In June by ¡MAYDAY! Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Due In June” by ¡MAYDAY! from the album Take Me to Your Leader (2012)? More than 56 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Due In June”.

Due In June en Lyrics [¡MAYDAY!]
Due In June English Lyrics Album Take Me to Your Leader

Quote from the song “Due In June” by ¡MAYDAY!

She don't know that I'll be on my way so very soon
She don't know that the way that I'll be raised ain't nothing cool
Unexpected strike was made one winter night, I'm due in June
Tell her I'll be fine, please don't give me time, it's for me to choose
And if they call me on a silver cloud asking how I got here
I'll tell 'em I'm just feeling proud to even get to stop here
Some never get the chance to choose when they should even exist at all...


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Due In June lyrics [¡MAYDAY!]

¡MAYDAY!: Due In June Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Due In June”

¡MAYDAY! - “Due In June” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of ¡MAYDAY! will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Due In June?
  • Where is Due In June music video clip?
  • Who was in the Due In June official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Due In June?
  • What is the meaning of the song Due In June?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Due In June”

  • Produced: Plex Luthor
  • Release Date:

Due In June lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Due In June lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Due In June”:

  • Produced: Plex Luthor

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Due In June” Released in 2012

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Due In June” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1: Wrekonize]

She don't know that I'll be on my way so very soon
She don't know that the way that I'll be raised ain't nothing cool
Unexpected strike was made one winter night, I'm due in June
Tell her I'll be fine, please don't give me time, it's for me to choose
And if they call me on a silver cloud asking how I got here
I'll tell 'em I'm just feeling proud to even get to stop here
Some never get the chance to choose when they should even exist at all...

[Hook: Wrekonize]

Don't make me live
Don't make me live
Don't make me live
Don't make me live
Don't make me

[Verse 2: Bernz]

Momma keep asking for grandkids but I just can't please her
I'm scared of this world, this world
The times can feel so icy cold that it's hard for our hearts
And our minds to keep warm, keep warm
My bed with a young woman cryin'
And wondering if fate will bestow her child
File for divorce or just wait for a while
And "a while" becomes life
And you're left with looking back at the smiles
Back up the files, back 'em up now
Back 'em up just in case I meet my child
Just in case I meet my future denials
I can have a few songs, I can sing for a while
In this insane asylum full of pointless violence
I look to my own father's guidance
He laughs in my face when I plead him my case
And says "You ain't the only one frightened."

[Hook: Wrekonize]

Don't make me live
Don't make me live
Don't make me live
Don't make me live
Don't make me