Everything before by Master A Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Everything before” by Master A (2019)? More than 70 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Everything before”.

Everything before en Lyrics [Master A]
Everything before English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Everything before” by Master A

I’m not concerned with anything that may have happened before
Like you can preach to me you can sing to me that shit I couldn’t afford
And I’m sure my frugality breeds brutality but I’m still poor
But my paradigm although it’s fine will probably be thrown overboard
Never in my life have I seen such a fine thing like a diamond ring
Worth so much more than your fake jewelry standing right in front of me
With every glimpse that I get she burned me deep no regret
Much respect for the grind optometry at that time I was drugged bet
Never stood for much I’m off the shelf never lusted for the wealth
I had real friends I wanted to look out for their happiness and their health
Got with the times she was committing wicked crimes not that drug shit
She was off the deep end killed the system and it wasn’t off doing that drunk shit
On her last day around she told me that I need to look up at the sky
I told I can’t see shit but she told me I will be shit she’s gone now why?
17 barely clean probably sipping the blue now I’m dipping it too
Dab to the face like you got poked in motion of emotion victory was never in sight


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Everything before lyrics [Master A]

Master A: Everything before Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Everything before”

  • Written: Master A
  • Release Date:

Everything before lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Everything before lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Everything before”:

  • Written: Master A

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Everything before” Released in 2019

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Everything before” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I’m not concerned with anything that may have happened before
Like you can preach to me you can sing to me that shit I couldn’t afford
And I’m sure my frugality breeds brutality but I’m still poor
But my paradigm although it’s fine will probably be thrown overboard
Never in my life have I seen such a fine thing like a diamond ring
Worth so much more than your fake jewelry standing right in front of me
With every glimpse that I get she burned me deep no regret
Much respect for the grind optometry at that time I was drugged bet
Never stood for much I’m off the shelf never lusted for the wealth
I had real friends I wanted to look out for their happiness and their health
Got with the times she was committing wicked crimes not that drug shit
She was off the deep end killed the system and it wasn’t off doing that drunk shit
On her last day around she told me that I need to look up at the sky
I told I can’t see shit but she told me I will be shit she’s gone now why?
17 barely clean probably sipping the blue now I’m dipping it too
Dab to the face like you got poked in motion of emotion victory was never in sight
