Rio by Marouane Le M Lyrics

Looking for the Romanian lyrics to “Rio” by Marouane Le M from the album No Fear (2019)? More than 178 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Rio”.

Rio ro Lyrics [Marouane Le M]
Rio Romanian Lyrics Album No Fear

Quote from the song “Rio” by Marouane Le M

Okey , Moro
No fear, No fear
Banlik lban ola

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Rio lyrics [Marouane Le M]

Marouane Le M: Rio Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Rio”

Marouane Le M - “Rio” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Marouane Le M will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Rio?
  • Where is Rio music video clip?
  • Who was in the Rio official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Rio?
  • What is the meaning of the song Rio?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Rio”

  • Featuring: Moro
  • Produced: Adam Skizo
  • Written: Marouane Le M, Moro
  • Release Date: October 2, 2019

Rio lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Rio lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Rio” Released in 2019

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Rio” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Intro: Moro & Marouane]

Okey , Moro
No fear, No fear
Banlik lban ola

[Refrain: Marouane]

Nfariha m3ahom, kho bl3acharate, nique l7acharate
Ma tfekkernich tgoul b limara sa7bi la arak
Ketro jnawa melli ta7t lba9ara, ya tara
Rwappa vierge jay net9eb lihom lyoum lbakara
Nfariha m3ahom, kho bl3acharate, nique l7acharate
Ma tfekkernich tgoul b limara sa7bi la arak
Ketro jnawa melli ta7t lba9ara, ya tara
Rwappa vierge jay net9eb lihom lyoum lbakara

[Couplet 1: Marouane]

Wast lblade dyal lmassakin, chrob l'Hennessy
La baghi dir chi 9alwa kho f7yatk, sa7bi allez-y
Bghaw yharssoni we9foli f tri9i, 3te9ni oh my dear
Rawwent da3wa f mdinti w ghadi 9assed daba Rio
3endi tifa9 m3a l'Euro, tifa9 m3a Moro
Khilaf kbir m3a chi rwappa, 7it 7achak kaydoro
CBQuatro l'Heroshima, vrai zéro cinéma
Machi f7alkom trebbina, l3alam kayre7eb bina
Hada indar lmerra jaya ncherreg lik ra7im
Nfi9o ka3yine, na3sso ka3yin fine w 7ta line
Kaychof had lkhir kay7ok 3liya chkon malih
Dak li kaybanlik m9wed swel chkon mkalih
Ra da9et bina golna hania, mais ga3 ma bkinach
Trebbina rjale w f3ayel zwa, la 7na ma finach
Kolchi baghi khencha euro salaire ma kafinach
W lmossi9a dyal dok rretbine ma baghinach

[Couplet 2: Moro]

Sel3a katbri 3ndak tss7abni Buddha
B Rebbi ta tjri wakha tkon Barracuda
Ghatsswro gha 7jri mar7ba bikom ta l7doda
Moro kaynkri ayya zamel fih ddoda
Rap meghribi mer9a bayta oui 3atya ri7et l7moda
Bla matssowel fin bayna, ta9owadite 3endhom moda
Atg3ed assi noda, sir kllem liya Hammouda
3okacha la kat3yet, 3ref l'guerriya ra messdoda
Mizitek ra ghan'toucher, solo l'ghetto ghay'decrocher
Katss7ab rassek mzza9e9, tara ghadi fik mbouchi
Mousi9ti ra fl9achla, rappi mezzek l'Hammouchi
Sokti chwiya abnt l9a7ba dwiti chmit ri7t sushi
CB Quatro Gang, tjma3na khayo ljinss l3anif
Tblina fl'medrassa, dwrenaha kho flkanif
"6 dal alif" men Reb3a 7ta l m3arif
Ach baghi dir flghaba 7na 3arfinek gha alif

[Pont: Marouane]

Wlad l9e7bate galo mate chafoni sa9el
L'mossi9a msskina 7kmtha khchit fiha lba9el
Sokti nti al9e7ba chriti 7ata bghiti t'hiji
Kathedri f rejjala w tweli kelba 7da khaliji, bitch
Tweli kelba 7da khaliji, bitch
Tweli kelba 7da khaliji, bitch

[Outro: Marouane]

No fear, no fear, no fear