All the Love by Maria Mena Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “All the Love” by Maria Mena from the album Weapon in Mind (2013)? More than 50 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “All the Love”.

All the Love en Lyrics [Maria Mena]
All the Love English Lyrics Album Weapon in Mind

Quote from the song “All the Love” by Maria Mena

How can you call yourself a daughter?
You must have got it from your mother
You're blaming her for damage
I blame you for mine
There must be something in the water

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All the Love lyrics [Maria Mena]

Maria Mena: All the Love Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “All the Love”

  • Produced: Martin Sjølie
  • Written: Martin Sjølie, Maria Mena
  • Release Date: September 24, 2013

All the Love lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: All the Love lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “All the Love” Released in 2013

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “All the Love” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

How can you call yourself a daughter?
You must have got it from your mother
You're blaming her for damage
I blame you for mine
There must be something in the water

You passed it down a generation
I've seen the years of pain I'm facing
So it has to end with me
I have to make a promise
A swear to all my future daughters

I will not abandon you
I will always tell the truth
Even if it's killing me
Even if it hurts I'll set it free

All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the

I'm on a ledge in life, I'm leaping
The ground is softer down below
From now I'm in charge
From now I'm the parent
I swear to you I'll be transparent
I will not abandon you
I will always tell the truth
Even if it's killing me
Even if it hurts I'll set it free

I'll make sure you're well prepared
Know to only thing to fear is fear
All the loving of the world
Can't replace your mother's baby girl

All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the
All all

I will not abandon you
I will always tell the truth
Even if it's killing me
Even if it hurts I'll set it free

All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the, all the
All the loving, all the

How can you call yourself a daughter?
You must have got it from your mother
So this has to end with me
I have to make a promise
I swear to all my future daughters