...To Unholy Graves by Malefactor Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “...To Unholy Graves” by Malefactor (2015)? More than 182 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “...To Unholy Graves”.

...To Unholy Graves en Lyrics [Malefactor]
...To Unholy Graves English Lyrics

Quote from the song “...To Unholy Graves” by Malefactor

Black Magic, Spell
Enter the hell
Freezing, Reading
Cutting the flesh
Sons of Claunech
Writing with blood


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...To Unholy Graves lyrics [Malefactor]

Malefactor: ...To Unholy Graves Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “...To Unholy Graves” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “...To Unholy Graves” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Black Magic, Spell
Enter the hell
Freezing, Reading
Cutting the flesh
Sons of Claunech
Writing with blood



A visionary
A future's teller
Speaking with the devil
An iconoclast
Running of the past
Searching the unbeliavable



Prediction of all sickness and plague
Revealing who is wolf, who is lamb

A black passage, nothing is lost
And everything sound as the most important thing
Sinners and Heretic Kings
Wizards of conspiracy
Speaking with the devil
Looking in the eyes of God
Recalling of the oldest past
Epoch to discover the first and the last
Symbols of necromancy