Movin' On by Macabre city Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Movin' On” by Macabre city from the album UNICORNE DEATHE MACHINE (2019)? More than 82 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Movin' On”.
Quote from the song “Movin' On” by Macabre city
I lost another chance, to throw away
A way you gave me, the other day
But then you take me up, throw me down
Grab a song, make a pretty sound
I get jealous
I get angry
Cause you’re better
And i’m nothing
So if i look
Right at you
I don’t know
What I’d do
I lost another chance, to throw away
A way you gave me, the other day
But then you take me up, throw me down
Grab a song, make a pretty sound
I get jealous
I get angry
Cause you’re better
And i’m nothing
So if i look
Right at you
I don’t know
What I’d do
Another day
Another night
Another way
To fight the knife
That cuts through
Your emotion
Get rid
Of the oppression
The oppression
Starts depression
The great depression
Without a message
Without a thought
In your brain
Telling you
I’m insane
(My god!)
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Movin' On”
- Produced: Micah Bizer (macabre city)
- Written: Micah Bizer (macabre city)
- Release Date: February 1, 2019
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Movin' On” Released in 2019
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Movin' On” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
I lost another chance, to throw away
A way you gave me, the other day
But then you take me up, throw me down
Grab a song, make a pretty sound
I get jealous
I get angry
Cause you’re better
And i’m nothing
So if i look
Right at you
I don’t know
What I’d do
I lost another chance, to throw away
A way you gave me, the other day
But then you take me up, throw me down
Grab a song, make a pretty sound
I get jealous
I get angry
Cause you’re better
And i’m nothing
So if i look
Right at you
I don’t know
What I’d do
Another day
Another night
Another way
To fight the knife
That cuts through
Your emotion
Get rid
Of the oppression
The oppression
Starts depression
The great depression
Without a message
Without a thought
In your brain
Telling you
I’m insane
(My god!)
I lost another chance, to throw away
A way you gave me, the other day
But then you take me up, throw me down
Grab a song, make a pretty sound
I get jealous
I get angry
Cause you’re better
And i’m nothing
So if i look
Right at you
I don’t know
What I’d do