What Now? by Loretta Lynn Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “What Now?” by Loretta Lynn from the album Singin’ with Feelin’ (1967)? More than 181 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “What Now?”.

What Now? en Lyrics [Loretta Lynn]
What Now? English Lyrics Album Singin’ with Feelin’

Quote from the song “What Now?” by Loretta Lynn

If it's over between us, what now?
Can't forget you 'cause I don't know how
Oh, what will I do? Where do I go from you?
If it's over between us, what now?


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What Now? lyrics [Loretta Lynn]

Loretta Lynn: What Now? Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “What Now?”

  • Produced: Owen Bradley
  • Written: Jackie Hobbs, Frank B. Jones
  • Release Date: October 9, 1967

What Now? lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: What Now? lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “What Now?” Released in 1967

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “What Now?” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

If it's over between us, what now?
Can't forget you 'cause I don't know how
Oh, what will I do? Where do I go from you?
If it's over between us, what now?

If my heart's been deserted, what now?
Can I stop it from beating somehow?
If there's no more you and I, then I'll want to die
If it's over between us, what now?

I keep asking where did our love go?
You won't tell me and I sure don't know
All I know is what's left is a life worse than death
If it's over between us, what now?
If it's over between us, what now?