Ain’t Love a Good Thing by Loretta Lynn Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Ain’t Love a Good Thing” by Loretta Lynn from the album They Don’t Make ’Em Like My Daddy (1974)? More than 90 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ain’t Love a Good Thing”.

Ain’t Love a Good Thing en Lyrics [Loretta Lynn]
Ain’t Love a Good Thing English Lyrics Album They Don’t Make ’Em Like My Daddy

Quote from the song “Ain’t Love a Good Thing” by Loretta Lynn

Blues, go ahead and knock upon my door
You can't hurt me anymore
Ooh, ain't love a good thing

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Ain’t Love a Good Thing lyrics [Loretta Lynn]

Loretta Lynn: Ain’t Love a Good Thing Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Ain’t Love a Good Thing”

  • Produced: Owen Bradley
  • Written: Dallas Frazier
  • Release Date: September 2, 1974

Ain’t Love a Good Thing lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Ain’t Love a Good Thing lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ain’t Love a Good Thing” Released in 1974

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ain’t Love a Good Thing” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Blues, go ahead and knock upon my door
You can't hurt me anymore
Ooh, ain't love a good thing

Rain, go ahead and let it rain all night
In the morning, I'll be dry
Ooh, ain't love a good thing

Ain't it good to know that love can take away the rain
And make the sun shine again
Ain't it good to know that love can take a lonely dream
And turn it into a real thing
Ooh, ain't love a good thing
Ooh, ain't love a good thing

Pain, find yourself another heart to ache
And another mind to break
Ooh, ain't love a good thing

Time, find yourself another fool to waste
And another place to stay
Ooh, ain't love a good thing

Ain't it good to know that love can take away the rain
And make the sun shine again
Ain't it good to know that love can take a lonely dream
And turn it into a real thing
Ooh, ain't love a good thing
Ooh, ain't love a good thing
Ooh, ain't love a good thing