A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop by Logan Whitehurst Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop” by Logan Whitehurst from the album Very Tiny Songs (2006)? More than 82 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop”.

A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop en Lyrics [Logan Whitehurst]
A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop English Lyrics Album Very Tiny Songs

Quote from the song “A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop” by Logan Whitehurst

Everything was going swell, everyone was doing well
At the gangster-operated mom-and-pop
Then it all went down the drain, faster than a speeding train
When a space alien came into the shop


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A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop lyrics [Logan Whitehurst]

Logan Whitehurst: A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop”

  • Written: Logan Whitehurst
  • Release Date:

A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop”:

  • Written: Logan Whitehurst

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop” Released in 2006

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “A Bad Day at the Gangster-Operated Mom-and-Pop Shop” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Everything was going swell, everyone was doing well
At the gangster-operated mom-and-pop
Then it all went down the drain, faster than a speeding train
When a space alien came into the shop

In the blink of an eye
Suddenly the FBI
Busted through the door
And proceeded to shut it all down

Then they heard the windows smash
And they saw the blinding flash
As a nuclear explosion knocked the store to the ground