Kissin U by Lilblackheartshawty Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Kissin U” by Lilblackheartshawty from the album Eversleep (2018)? More than 60 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Kissin U”.

Kissin U en Lyrics [Lilblackheartshawty]
Kissin U English Lyrics Album Eversleep

Quote from the song “Kissin U” by Lilblackheartshawty

Girl, you don't know who I really am
Behind closed doors, the walls are thin
I can't take the pain anymore
Left you my heart as I walked out the door

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Kissin U lyrics [Lilblackheartshawty]

Lilblackheartshawty: Kissin U Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Kissin U”

  • Produced: Jayhmez
  • Release Date:

Kissin U lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Kissin U lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Kissin U”:

  • Produced: Jayhmez

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Kissin U” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Kissin U” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Girl, you don't know who I really am
Behind closed doors, the walls are thin
I can't take the pain anymore
Left you my heart as I walked out the door



Wish I was kissin' you
Instead, I'm missin' you
I'm tryin' so hard to forget you


Spent all my time believing your lies
You love me, right? Then why fight?
Should have knew somethin' was up
When you said you don't give a fuck



Wish I was kissin' you
Instead, I'm missin' you
The world was built for two
Not for him and you
Wish I was kissin' you
Instead, I'm missin' you
I'm tryin' so hard to forget you