Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth by Legion of the Damned Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth” by Legion of the Damned from the album Cult of the Dead (2008)? More than 181 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth”.

Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth en Lyrics [Legion of the Damned]
Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth English Lyrics Album Cult of the Dead

Quote from the song “Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth” by Legion of the Damned

The presence to be felt, the darkness in the night
The lurker at the threshold, flashing lightning strike

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Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth lyrics [Legion of the Damned]

Legion of the Damned: Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Black Wings of Yog-Sothoth” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

The presence to be felt, the darkness in the night
The lurker at the threshold, flashing lightning strike

Incantations chanted, howling winds soar
Yog-Sothoth is evoked, from the forgotten lore

From the depths of chaos, the black winged god appears
Oneiric intrusions, twisted tongues speak
Three-lobed eye burns, an offering to be made
The blessing is bestowed, when we sacrifice the priest
Through the stellar gate, revelations to be seen
The nameless cult waits aeons, for the other one to come
The stone temples fall under the weight of devastation
All in one, one in all, cosmic predator from beyond

Turn the crosses down, altars to be broken
Monotheist gods, rendered powerless they are
Smash the crucifix, and utter blasphemies
Speak in ancient tongues, evoke the chaos gods

The cult was ever here, the rites were never gone
The holy scriptures ripped and the saviour stays unborn
Stellar darwinism, existence redefined
This is the new age where the christian god expires

Turn the crosses down, altars to be broken
Monotheist gods, rendered powerless they are
Smash the crucifix, and utter blasphemies
Speak in ancient tongues, evoke the chaos gods