Mi Vida Loca by Lasse Stefanz Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Mi Vida Loca” by Lasse Stefanz from the album Mi Vida Loca (2002)? More than 31 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Mi Vida Loca”.

Mi Vida Loca en Lyrics [Lasse Stefanz]
Mi Vida Loca English Lyrics Album Mi Vida Loca

Quote from the song “Mi Vida Loca” by Lasse Stefanz

If you're coming with me
You need nerves of steel
'Cause I take corners on two wheels
It's an never-ending circus ride
Then faint of heart need not apply


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Mi Vida Loca lyrics [Lasse Stefanz]

Lasse Stefanz: Mi Vida Loca Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Mi Vida Loca” Released in 2002

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Mi Vida Loca” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

If you're coming with me
You need nerves of steel
'Cause I take corners on two wheels
It's an never-ending circus ride
Then faint of heart need not apply

Mi vida loca over and over
Destiny turns on a dime
I go where the wind blows
You can't tame a wild rose
Welcome to my crazy life

Sweetheart before this night is through
I could fall in love with you
Come dancing on the edge with me
Let my passion set you free

Mi vida loca over and over
Destiny turns on a dime
I go where the wind blows
You can't tame a wild rose
Welcome to my crazy life

Here in the firelight I see your tattoo
Mi vida loca, so you're crazy too
Mi vida loca over and over
Destiny turns on a dime
I go where the wind blows
You can't tame a wild rose
Welcome to my crazy life

We'll go where the wind blows
And I'll be a wild rose
Welcome to my crazy life