Don't Call Me by Laci Kaye Booth Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Don't Call Me” by Laci Kaye Booth from the album Something New (2017)? More than 146 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Don't Call Me”.

Don\'t Call Me en Lyrics [Laci Kaye Booth]
Don\'t Call Me English Lyrics Album Something New

Quote from the song “Don't Call Me” by Laci Kaye Booth

Erase your picture change your name
In my phone so I can't see
Every bitter memory
Every time you call me
Don't call me

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Don't Call Me lyrics [Laci Kaye Booth]

Laci Kaye Booth: Don't Call Me Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Don't Call Me”

  • Produced: Rosewood Studios TX
  • Written: Laci Kaye Booth
  • Release Date: April 11, 2017

Don't Call Me lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Don't Call Me lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Don't Call Me” Released in 2017

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Don't Call Me” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Erase your picture change your name
In my phone so I can't see
Every bitter memory
Every time you call me
Don't call me

Take my number off your phone
Pour the beer down the drain
So you won't be tempted to call me
Don't call me


'Cause I'm still calling out up my mind
Thinking you'll be right back on my side


But I'll be fine once you're off my mind
I'll be just okay if you stay in your lane
And I won't miss a beat
I'll be back on my feet if you just listen please
And don't call me

[Verse 2]

You say you love me once again
But you're lonely I can see
Why do answer when you call me
Don't call me


'Cause I'm still calling out up my mind
Thinking you'll be right back on my side


But I'll be fine once you're off my mind
I'll be just okay if you stay in your lane
And I won't miss a beat
I'll be back on my feet if you just listen please
And don't call me


'Cause I'm still calling out up my mind
Thinking you'll be right back on my side


But I'll be fine once you're off my mind
I'll be just okay if you stay in your lane
And I won't miss a beat
I'll be back on my feet if you just listen please
And don't call me


Erase your picture change your name
In my phone so I can't see
Every bitter memory
Every time you call me
Don't call me