​melatxnin nightmares by Kill Dyll Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “​melatxnin nightmares” by Kill Dyll from the album sixty se7en (2022)? More than 89 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “​melatxnin nightmares”.

​melatxnin nightmares en Lyrics [Kill Dyll]
​melatxnin nightmares English Lyrics Album sixty se7en

Quote from the song “​melatxnin nightmares” by Kill Dyll

The skies are grey
Dilated viens
Inject solutions in my broken brain
I'm soakin’ up suspicion like a sponge that stained
I know you hate the pain I kinda hate it too
And I don't wanna run but I might run from you


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​melatxnin nightmares lyrics [Kill Dyll]

Kill Dyll: ​melatxnin nightmares Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “​melatxnin nightmares”

  • Produced: Kill Dyll
  • Written: Kill Dyll
  • Release Date: April 22, 2022

​melatxnin nightmares lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: ​melatxnin nightmares lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “​melatxnin nightmares” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “​melatxnin nightmares” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

The skies are grey
Dilated viens
Inject solutions in my broken brain
I'm soakin’ up suspicion like a sponge that stained
I know you hate the pain I kinda hate it too
And I don't wanna run but I might run from you

I love it when you hate me ’cause you hate me thats the truth
I hate it when you love me ’cause I hate me more than you
Sellin’ everybody part gettin’ close to you
Dying everyday to get an hour in the booth
An hour of euphoria for a lifetime of abuse

Melatonin fueled nightmare
Melatonin fueled nightmare
Melatonin fueled nightmare
I'm in melatonin fueled nightmare

Rest assured
I stay dissociated
Always on my mind and now I fuckin’ hate it
I just want a minute feel the glow elated
See my soul detatch
Sittin on the floor
I fuckin’ hate this feelin’
Fuckin’ hate relapse