Please Dump Him by Kid Sistr Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Please Dump Him” by Kid Sistr from the album Kid Sistr (2020)? More than 171 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Please Dump Him”.

Please Dump Him en Lyrics [Kid Sistr]
Please Dump Him English Lyrics Album Kid Sistr

Quote from the song “Please Dump Him” by Kid Sistr

How many times has he said sorry to you?
I bet you never even heard those words come out of his mouth
I've seen you standing in your sky blue prom dress
Waiting on a compliment
I've seen you staring at the bleachers in the big game
Knowing he's not coming out

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Please Dump Him lyrics [Kid Sistr]

Kid Sistr: Please Dump Him Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Please Dump Him” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Please Dump Him” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

How many times has he said sorry to you?
I bet you never even heard those words come out of his mouth
I've seen you standing in your sky blue prom dress
Waiting on a compliment
I've seen you staring at the bleachers in the big game
Knowing he's not coming out

When you gonna dump him?
When you gonna tell him?
Huh, you had it coming
Yeah, you've really blown it down
And I'm not going down on anybody else
Who isn't worth it
Who treats me shitty like you do

How many times have you said sorry to him?
Can you count it on your hands like he counts on you
To get him gluten free pizza at Trader Joe's?
He doesn't havе Celiac, he's just an asshole
And his fabricated gluten intolerance is the tip of the iceberg

When you gonna dump him?
When you gonna tell him?
Huh, we had it coming
Yeah you've really brought it down
And I'm not going down on anybody else
Who isn't worth it
Who treats me shitty like you do
You never really cared what I was thinking
Only want to show me off
To all your stupid friends
You'll never get it
And 'cause everybody knows you're not worth it
You'll treat them shitty like you do
You'll treat them shitty like you do
You'll treat them shitty like you do
You'll treat them shitty like you do