Liquor Store on Mars by Kelsy Karter & The Heroines Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Liquor Store on Mars” by Kelsy Karter & The Heroines from the album Missing Person (2019)? More than 42 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Liquor Store on Mars”.

Liquor Store on Mars en Lyrics [Kelsy Karter & The Heroines]
Liquor Store on Mars English Lyrics Album Missing Person

Quote from the song “Liquor Store on Mars” by Kelsy Karter & The Heroines

There's no room on the freeway
That's where we drove your car
There's no seats at the movies
That's where we watched the stars
And there's a guy at this party with hair just like you
There's no room at this party
Where should I move?

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Liquor Store on Mars lyrics [Kelsy Karter & The Heroines]

Kelsy Karter & The Heroines: Liquor Store on Mars Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Liquor Store on Mars”

Kelsy Karter & The Heroines - “Liquor Store on Mars” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Kelsy Karter & The Heroines will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Liquor Store on Mars?
  • Where is Liquor Store on Mars music video clip?
  • Who was in the Liquor Store on Mars official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Liquor Store on Mars?
  • What is the meaning of the song Liquor Store on Mars?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Liquor Store on Mars”

  • Produced: Michael Morgan
  • Written: Adam Slack, Michael Morgan, Kelsy Karter, The Heroines
  • Piano: Mac Hanson
  • Guitar Solo: Adam Slack
  • Mastering Engineer: Mike Bozzi
  • Mixing Engineer: Ric Volta
  • Release Date: August 20, 2019

Liquor Store on Mars lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Liquor Store on Mars lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Liquor Store on Mars” Released in 2019

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Liquor Store on Mars” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

There's no room on the freeway
That's where we drove your car
There's no seats at the movies
That's where we watched the stars
And there's a guy at this party with hair just like you
There's no room at this party
Where should I move?


Maybe New York or somewhere up the coast
London or Paris, nah, I hate the cold
Seems to be everywhere I wanna go
Is still too close to you


I hope there's a liquor store waitin' on Mars
With cheap cigarettes you can light with the stars
'Cause that's how far I'll have to go
To see you and not say hello

[Verse 2]

Nothing good on the airwaves
Just all our favourite songs
No more space on this planet, uh
There's a girl at this party that kissed me like you
Get me out of this party
I've gotta move


Maybe New York or somewhere up the coast
London or Paris, nah, I hate the cold
Seems to be everywhere I wanna go
Is still too close to you


I hope there's a liquor store waitin' on Mars
With cheap cigarettes you can light with the stars
'Cause that's how far I'll have to go
To see you and not say hello
I hope there's a liquor store waitin' on Mars
With cherry ice cola to cool down my heart
'Cause that's how far I'll have to go
To see you and not say hello
(And get myself over you)

[Guitar Solo]


I hope there's a liquor store waitin' on Mars
With cheap cigarettes you can light with the stars
'Cause that's how far I'll have to go
To see you and not say hello
I hope there's a liquor store waitin' on Mars
With cherry ice cola to cool down my heart
'Cause that's how far I'll have to go
To get myself over you


Oh, oh, oh
That's how far I'll have to go
Oh, oh, oh
'Cause that's how far I'll have to go
'Cause that's how far I'll have to go

Liquor Store on Mars performed by Kelsy Karter & The Heroines alternate

Liquor Store on Mars Performed by Kelsy Karter & The Heroines Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Liquor Store on Mars”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?

    In an interview with V Magazine, Kelsy shared:

    In April 2018, my ex and I broke up. Everywhere I went, I was reminded of him. “There’s a chair, HE sits on chairs.” Was also dealing with a death and some personal stuff. It was a really dark time. All I wanted to do was f**k off to somewhere else. And Mars seems like a pretty place.