Cinema Paradiso by Katherine Jenkins Lyrics

Looking for the Italian lyrics to “Cinema Paradiso” by Katherine Jenkins from the album Cinema Paradiso (2020)? More than 135 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Cinema Paradiso”.

Cinema Paradiso it Lyrics [Katherine Jenkins]
Cinema Paradiso Italian Lyrics Album Cinema Paradiso

Quote from the song “Cinema Paradiso” by Katherine Jenkins

Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giorno
Vedresti la bellezza che piena d'allegria
Io trovo dentro gli occhi tuoi
E nearo se magia o realta

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Cinema Paradiso lyrics [Katherine Jenkins]

Katherine Jenkins: Cinema Paradiso Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Cinema Paradiso”

Katherine Jenkins - “Cinema Paradiso” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Katherine Jenkins will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Cinema Paradiso?
  • Where is Cinema Paradiso music video clip?
  • Who was in the Cinema Paradiso official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Cinema Paradiso?
  • What is the meaning of the song Cinema Paradiso?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Cinema Paradiso”

  • Featuring: Alberto Urso
  • Release Date: 2020

Cinema Paradiso lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Cinema Paradiso lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Cinema Paradiso” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Cinema Paradiso” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giorno
Vedresti la bellezza che piena d'allegria
Io trovo dentro gli occhi tuoi
E nearo se magia o realta

Se tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giorno
Potreste avere un'idea
Di cio che sento io
Quando m'abbracci forte a te
E petto a petto, noi
Respiriamo insieme

Protagonista del tuo amor
Non so se sia magia o realta

Se tu fossi nella mia anima un giorno
Sapresti cosa sono in me
Che m'innamorai
Da quell'istantе insieme a te
E cio chе provo e
Solamente amore

Da quell'istante insieme a te
E cio che provo e
Solamente amore

[English translation:]

If you were in my eyes for one day
You could see the full beauty of the joy
I find in your eyes
And it isn't magic or reality

If you were in my heart for a day
You would have an idea
Of what I feel
When you hold me strongly to you
Heart to heart
Breathing together

Protagonist of your love
I don't know if it's magic or reality

If you were in my soul for a day
You would know what is inside me
That I fell in love
At that instant, together with you
And what I sense
It's only love