Rad Dadam by Kamyar (IRN) Lyrics

Looking for the Persian lyrics to “Rad Dadam” by Kamyar (IRN) (2019)? More than 86 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Rad Dadam”.

Rad Dadam fa Lyrics [Kamyar (IRN)]
Rad Dadam Persian Lyrics

Quote from the song “Rad Dadam” by Kamyar (IRN)

بس کن، خسته‌م ازت، دیگه نمی‌پامت
هرکاریم کنی دیگه نمی‌خوامت
برو، برو


Can you finish lyrics of the song “Rad Dadam” based on this quote?

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Rad Dadam lyrics [Kamyar (IRN)]

Kamyar (IRN): Rad Dadam Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Rad Dadam”

  • Written: Saeed Haghani
  • Arrangement: Armin Rastgar
  • Music: Armin Rastgar
  • Label: Radio Javan
  • Release Date:

Rad Dadam lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Rad Dadam lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Rad Dadam”:

  • Written: Saeed Haghani
  • rn
  • Arrangement: Armin Rastgar
  • rn
  • Music: Armin Rastgar
  • rn
  • Label: Radio Javan

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Rad Dadam” Released in 2019

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Rad Dadam” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

بس کن، خسته‌م ازت، دیگه نمی‌پامت
هرکاریم کنی دیگه نمی‌خوامت
برو، برو

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