100 Little Deaths by Juliet Simms Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “100 Little Deaths” by Juliet Simms from the album 100 Little Deaths (2019)? More than 158 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “100 Little Deaths”.
Quote from the song “100 Little Deaths” by Juliet Simms
Water water cold and deep
Hold me fast that I may sleep
Death with you is hardly more
Than the little deaths before
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Official Music Video Song “100 Little Deaths”
Juliet Simms - “100 Little Deaths” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Juliet Simms will answer the following questions:
- What song samples 100 Little Deaths?
- Where is 100 Little Deaths music video clip?
- Who was in the 100 Little Deaths official music video?
- Who sang the popular song 100 Little Deaths?
- What is the meaning of the song 100 Little Deaths?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “100 Little Deaths”
- Written: Scott Stevens, Sarah Dugas, Juliet Simms
- Release Date: August 23, 2019
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “100 Little Deaths” Released in 2019
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “100 Little Deaths” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Water water cold and deep
Hold me fast that I may sleep
Death with you is hardly more
Than the little deaths before
I've been writing out a list of demands
I got my hands drawing lines in the sand
I felt my power lifting me off the earth
When I didn't have a ghost of a chance
Cracked my teeth biting down on diamonds
Chasing every glare blinding my eyes
Left the taste of bad blood in my mouth
With one truth, while you live you will die
100 little deaths
100 little deaths
Before you're laid to rest
And breathe your last breath
'Cause in this life
While you live you will die
100 little deaths
100 little deaths
Bless my soul singing my Hail Marys
'Cause no one here gets out alive
I was born between the church and the devil
In the dirt with one hand to the sky
Well you just never know
If there's a gift in the curse
You just never know
If there's a gift in the hurt
You just never know
If there's a gift in the curse
One truth, while you live you will die
100 little deaths
100 little deaths
Before you're laid to rest
And breathe your last breath
'Cause in this life
While you live you will die
100 little deaths
100 little deaths
You just never know (if there's a gift in the curse)
You just never know (if there's a gift in the hurt)
You just never know (if there's a gift in the curse)
One truth, while you live you will die
100 little deaths
100 little deaths
100 little deaths
Before you're laid to rest
And breathe your last breath
'Cause in this life
While you live you will die
100 little deaths
100 little deaths
FAQ & Knowledge Song “100 Little Deaths”
ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?
In a press release, Simms says,
This song means a lot to me because it speaks to my experiences with my personal demons and the fight to overcome them. I wanted to create a video that was personal to me but could also resonate with others. I see the struggles that so many people battle with everyday and I wanted to share a piece of myself with them. Life is made up of failures and triumphs, convictions and doubt. The key is to find the ability and strength to turn off the destructive tendencies and grow stronger because of them.