Holiday comeback [Remasterd] by Juanzilla Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Holiday comeback [Remasterd]” by Juanzilla from the album Juan and the Posse (2022)? More than 144 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Holiday comeback [Remasterd]”.

Holiday comeback [Remasterd] en Lyrics [Juanzilla]
Holiday comeback [Remasterd] English Lyrics Album Juan and the Posse

Quote from the song “Holiday comeback [Remasterd]” by Juanzilla

Shots goes out to the suckas

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Holiday comeback [Remasterd] lyrics [Juanzilla]

Juanzilla: Holiday comeback [Remasterd] Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Holiday comeback [Remasterd]”

  • Produced: Juanzilla
  • Written: Juanzilla
  • Release Date: March 5, 2022

Holiday comeback [Remasterd] lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Holiday comeback [Remasterd] lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Holiday comeback [Remasterd]” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Holiday comeback [Remasterd]” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Shots goes out to the suckas

The peeps i used to hang with think that they betta

So now ima show em whos the best

Prunezz or should i call you mr sucka

Talked so much trash your basically a trash collecta

Spread so many false rumors you sound like fox news

You must've gotten beaten up

Cause ya face looks like you had to

You see i'm exploding like a bomb

And you to are in the blast radius dude

But it's not your fault prinezz that your slow

It's your moms for dropping you

And now ima drop some bars
In this album call Holiday comeback

To both of yall saps

Yo mr lucky more like mr doo me

Cause you told that to prunezz

And that's why he is so lovey dovey

Telling prunezz all thesе lies about me

Knowing he's gonna agree

Just bеcause you hate me

Doesn't mean you need to bring
Anyone in our beef

My rhymes may be wack but you are wacker

Always saying yous a hacka

But Your more of a cracker

Ya see back in 2016 they had to deport ya
So ya better play nice before i report ya

You don't belong here and imma let you know of that

So go back to mexico and just do crack

I heard you made a song

I heard it and it was trash to

I had to report ya

Cause you tried to copy me

Make your own ideas you copy wanna be

Think you is a dopeman but you ain't easy e

Call yourself hard but you as soft as a pea

Call yourself a original gamer but you younger than me

Your nose as long as a redwood cause all the lies you made

And ima burn it down and expose than today