Still Photo by John Wesley Harding Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Still Photo” by John Wesley Harding from the album John Wesley Harding's New Deal (1996)? More than 72 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Still Photo”.

Still Photo en Lyrics [John Wesley Harding]
Still Photo English Lyrics Album John Wesley Harding\'s New Deal

Quote from the song “Still Photo” by John Wesley Harding

I saw you yesterday
I couldn't let it be
I had to sift through broken glass
To find out if you'd missed me
But all I found was a slow fade
A gift-wrapped box of band aids
And a note that said, "I'm never coming home"

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Still Photo lyrics [John Wesley Harding]

John Wesley Harding: Still Photo Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Still Photo”

  • Produced: John Wesley Harding, Chris Von Sneidern
  • Written: John Wesley Harding
  • Release Date: 1996

Still Photo lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Still Photo lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Still Photo”:

  • Still Photo Live Performances: Still Photo (Live) by John Wesley Harding

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Still Photo” Released in 1996

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Still Photo” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

I saw you yesterday
I couldn't let it be
I had to sift through broken glass
To find out if you'd missed me
But all I found was a slow fade
A gift-wrapped box of band aids
And a note that said, "I'm never coming home"

[Verse 2]

Beneath my single bed
Everything's haphazard
There's boxes full of bits of you
And none of them are numbered
When I search, it's deja vu
Things I think I knew
I should have thrown away this time last year


Every time I touch you
You move so slow
Every time I touch you
You move so slow
And you're still like your photo

[Verse 3]

I heard me yesterday
Repeating my own name
To persuade myself
That none of us had changed
And now I'm walking round the grooves
Of a record I lost when we moved
There's dust and scratches mixed with all these tears


Every time I touch you
You move so slow
Every time I touch you
You move so slow
And you're still like your photo
And I still like your photo


Should we throw it all away?
The failed long shots through far distant styles
Those forced smiles, those forced smiles
It started off so on the mark
But it missed by one million miles

[Verse 4]

Nothing has developed
This darkroom gets me down
I'd throw on all the lights
But I'm afraid you'll come around
You're living in a limbo hell
A life that's only parallel
Is the real you aware what's going on?


Every time I touch you
You move so slow
Every time I touch you
You move so slow
And you're still like your photo
And you're still like your photo
And I still like your photo