Don't Fade Away by John Lindberg Trio Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Don't Fade Away” by John Lindberg Trio from the album Made for Rock'n'Roll (2011)? More than 18 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Don't Fade Away”.

Don\'t Fade Away en Lyrics [John Lindberg Trio]
Don\'t Fade Away English Lyrics Album Made for Rock\'n\'Roll

Quote from the song “Don't Fade Away” by John Lindberg Trio

Where would I go when all is said and done?
The path behind me
Our future is gone
I’m walking these streets
The city is asleep
I can’t look around me
Memories creeping up behind
I’m walking alone

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Don't Fade Away lyrics [John Lindberg Trio]

John Lindberg Trio: Don't Fade Away Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Don't Fade Away” Released in 2011

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Don't Fade Away” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Where would I go when all is said and done?
The path behind me
Our future is gone
I’m walking these streets
The city is asleep
I can’t look around me
Memories creeping up behind
I’m walking alone

Take my hand
Don’t fade away
I’m all yours
Oh I prayed and I prayed
I’m like a lost ship without a crew

Where would I be if I had listened to you?
I was busy with my life and it’s all that I got
Emptiness hurts and it’s dragging me down
To the darkness inside of me
To places I’ve never been
I’m walking alone

Take my hand
Don’t fade away
I’m all yours
Oh I prayed and I prayed
I’m like a lost ship without a crew
The ways we choose
The games we played
To take it for granted was my big mistake
How could I ever be the same again?

Where are you now?
I’m still here
Have you gone on with your life?
I’m just passing time
Where is the life that should have been mine?
Memories hurts
And now I realize
I’m walking alone

Take my hand
Don’t fade away
I’m all yours
Oh I prayed and I prayed
I’m like a lost ship without a crew

The ways we choose
The games we played
To take it for granted was my big mistake
How could I ever be the same again?

The ways we choose
The games we played
To take it for granted was my big mistake
How could I ever be the same again?