Starstrings - revamp by Jody Wisternoff Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Starstrings - revamp” by Jody Wisternoff (2015)? More than 30 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Starstrings - revamp”.

Starstrings - revamp en Lyrics [Jody Wisternoff]
Starstrings - revamp English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Starstrings - revamp” by Jody Wisternoff

It was meant to be what you wanted me to be
In front of every move that you always wanted to see
It was meant to be what you wanted me to be
In front of every move that you always wanted to see
But the music's fooling me
Compromise myself
Compromise myself
It was meant to be what you wanted me to be
Iin front of every move that you always wanted to see
Compromise myself
Never meant to dance the way you wanted to dance
Someone's willing to try, to try to take a chance
But the music's fooling me
I wanna hold you, I just wanna touch you
I wanna feel you, my arms around you
Eever since i found you
But the music's fooling me
I wanna hold you, I just wanna touch you
I wanna feel you, my arms around you
Ever since I found you
But the music's fooling me

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Starstrings - revamp lyrics [Jody Wisternoff]

Jody Wisternoff: Starstrings - revamp Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Starstrings - revamp” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Starstrings - revamp” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

It was meant to be what you wanted me to be
In front of every move that you always wanted to see
It was meant to be what you wanted me to be
In front of every move that you always wanted to see
But the music's fooling me
Compromise myself
Compromise myself
It was meant to be what you wanted me to be
Iin front of every move that you always wanted to see
Compromise myself
Never meant to dance the way you wanted to dance
Someone's willing to try, to try to take a chance
But the music's fooling me
I wanna hold you, I just wanna touch you
I wanna feel you, my arms around you
Eever since i found you
But the music's fooling me
I wanna hold you, I just wanna touch you
I wanna feel you, my arms around you
Ever since I found you
But the music's fooling me