Sweet Cocaine by Jerry Garcia & Howard Wales Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Sweet Cocaine” by Jerry Garcia & Howard Wales from the album Hooteroll? (2010)? More than 80 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Sweet Cocaine”.

Sweet Cocaine en Lyrics [Jerry Garcia & Howard Wales]
Sweet Cocaine English Lyrics Album Hooteroll?

Quote from the song “Sweet Cocaine” by Jerry Garcia & Howard Wales

Now when you're downtown
And you left town alone
I need some rest woman
Lord, when I come home
I can't get nobody
Lord, to soothe my soul


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Sweet Cocaine lyrics [Jerry Garcia & Howard Wales]

Jerry Garcia & Howard Wales: Sweet Cocaine Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Sweet Cocaine”

  • Produced: Alan Douglas, Doris Dynamite
  • Written: Traditional
  • Artist: Jerry Garcia, Howard Wales
  • Release Date: 2010

Sweet Cocaine lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Sweet Cocaine lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Sweet Cocaine” Released in 2010

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Sweet Cocaine” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Now when you're downtown
And you left town alone
I need some rest woman
Lord, when I come home
I can't get nobody
Lord, to soothe my soul

When I feel
I feel like a dog that's lost his bone
Sweet cocaine
Lord you just robbed me, through my brain

Sweet cocaine


feeling in your brain
Lord, oh, it's so good to me
Sweet, sweet cocaine

Oh, I can't believe
Lord, what they've done to you
Oh, what can your worry be?
Lord, when you're down and blue

Should I, should I ever wonder
Lord, Lord, Lord, what would it be
To have one ton of cocaine
Lord, all for me
Send me there
Send me running, send me right
Let me hear you say yeah
Let me hear you say yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Lord
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah
Feel all right