Reasons Why by Jermaine Stewart Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Reasons Why” by Jermaine Stewart from the album The Word Is Out (1984)? More than 35 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Reasons Why”.

Reasons Why en Lyrics [Jermaine Stewart]
Reasons Why English Lyrics Album The Word Is Out

Quote from the song “Reasons Why” by Jermaine Stewart

Why is it I'm so far away
From where I want to be?
And how is it, it seems like everyday
It's lost so easily?
It's all I've got on my mind
And all I've got to find is the reason why

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Reasons Why lyrics [Jermaine Stewart]

Jermaine Stewart: Reasons Why Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Reasons Why”

  • Produced: Peter Collins
  • Written: Jermaine Stewart, Julian Lindsay, Greg Craig
  • Release Date: 1984

Reasons Why lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Reasons Why lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Reasons Why” Released in 1984

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Reasons Why” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Why is it I'm so far away
From where I want to be?
And how is it, it seems like everyday
It's lost so easily?
It's all I've got on my mind
And all I've got to find is the reason why

Choosing my future path (Oh, why?)
Oncoming storms to pass (Why?)
When choices self somehow
Seems so unreal right now
(I can't comprehend)
Is it right that I can't be wrong?
Still it keeps on and on
Will I ever learn the reasons why?

Here I sit, I'm wondering
Why I feel the way I do
And how is it as doubt sets in
I'm further from the truth?
Oh, it's with me all the time
But still I can't find the reason why

Time and again, I ask (Oh, why?)
If the future's just like the past (Why?)
I can't quite comprehend
I'm trying to understand
(I can't comprehend)
Is it right that I can't be wrong?
Still it keeps on and on
Will I ever learn the reasons why?
It's all I've got on my mind
And all I've got to find
I am searching for the clue
Could it be the reasons why?

Choosing my future path
Oncoming storms to pass (Searching)
When choices self somehow
Seems so unreal right now
(It's seems so unreal)
Is it right that I can't be wrong? (Oh...)
Still it keeps on and on
Will I ever learn the reasons why?

Time and again, I ask
If the future's just like the past
I can't quite comprehend
I'm trying to understand
Is it right that I can't be wrong?
Still it keeps on and on
Will I ever learn the reasons why?

Choosing my future path
Oncoming storms to pass
When choices self somehow
Seems so unreal right now
Is it right that I can't be wrong?
Still it keeps on and on
Will I ever learn the reasons why?
Time and again, I ask
If the future's just like the past
I can't quite comprehend
I'm trying to understand
Is it right that I can't be wrong?
Still it keeps on and on
Will I ever learn the reasons why?

Choosing my future path
Oncoming storms to pass
When choices self somehow
Seems so unreal right now
Is it right that I can't be wrong?
Still it keeps on and on
Will I ever learn the reasons why?

Time and again, I ask
If the future's just like the past
I can't quite comprehend
I'm trying to understand
Is it right that I can't be wrong?
Still it keeps on and on
Will I ever learn the reasons why?