Shower thoughts by JALFA D Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Shower thoughts” by JALFA D from the album am i allowed? (2020)? More than 119 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Shower thoughts”.

Shower thoughts en Lyrics [JALFA D]
Shower thoughts English Lyrics Album am i allowed?

Quote from the song “Shower thoughts” by JALFA D

Go into the shower, so happy
Go into the shower, so happy
Go into the shower, so-

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Shower thoughts lyrics [JALFA D]

JALFA D: Shower thoughts Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Shower thoughts”

JALFA D - “Shower thoughts” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of JALFA D will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Shower thoughts?
  • Where is Shower thoughts music video clip?
  • Who was in the Shower thoughts official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Shower thoughts?
  • What is the meaning of the song Shower thoughts?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Shower thoughts”

  • Produced: JALFA D
  • Written: JALFA D
  • Release Date: August 20, 2020

Shower thoughts lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Shower thoughts lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Shower thoughts” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Shower thoughts” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Go into the shower, so happy
Go into the shower, so happy
Go into the shower, so-


Go into the shower, got a shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Go into the shower, got a shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Shower in my brain brain
Go into the shower, got a shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Go into the shower, got a shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Shower in my brain brain

[Chorus 2]

Make me wanna think about him
Think about him, him
Think about him, him
Thinking, thinking
Make me wanna think about him
Think about him, him
Think about him, him
Thinking, thinking
Make me wanna think about him
Think about him, him
Think about him, him
Thinking, thinking
Make me wanna think about him
Think about him, him
Think about him, him
Thinking, thinking

[Verse 1]

I don't wanna think about him
Don't think about him
Someone's thinking about him
Don't think about it
Conflict, I don't think about it
For him something, for it something
I don't fucking
I don't get it
I don't get it
Fuck it
I don't take it
The picture
All in, pictured
You in the pitcher
You can make it
I don't fuck her
Easy, something
You need something
I don't date him
I don't love him
I don't fuck him
Just think, ahh


Go into the shower, got a shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Go into the shower, got a shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Shower in my brain brain
Go into the shower, got a shower in my brain, brain
Shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Go into the shower, got a shower in my brain
Shower in my brain
Shower in my brain, brain

[Verse 2]

Making me enraged, you're
Making me enraged, you're
Making me enraged, I'm angry for the page
Making me enraged, you're
Making me enraged, you're
Making me enraged, I'm angry for the page
You're making me angry, you're-
Huh! Pissed off
Pissed off, pissed
Huh! Pissed off
Piss piss piss piss
Huh! Pissed off
Piss piss piss piss
Huh! Pissed off
Piss piss piss piss
Huh! Pissed off
Piss piss piss piss
Making me enraged, you're
Making me enraged, you're
Making me enraged, I'm angry for the page
Huh! Pissed off
Piss piss piss piss
Huh! Pissed off
Piss piss piss piss
Huh! Pissed off
Piss piss piss piss
Huh! Pissed off
Piss piss piss piss