Looking for the English lyrics to “1-10” by HOLYXANDER[SXANDER] from the album XANDER'S WRLD (2023)? More than 178 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “1-10”.

1-10 en Lyrics [HOLYXANDER[SXANDER]]
1-10 English Lyrics Album XANDER\'S WRLD

Quote from the song “1-10” by HOLYXANDER[SXANDER]

I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when(HOLY!)


Can you finish lyrics of the song “1-10” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...



Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “1-10”

  • Produced: ​longboystyle, 637rxss
  • Release Date: May 26, 2023

1-10 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: 1-10 lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “1-10” Released in 2023

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “1-10” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when(HOLY!)

I'm part of the thriller, ain't talking about Jackson
They questioning, already know what they asking
People be fake, time to unmasked em
'member them days I'd be stumbling, look at me
Now I'm just humbling
Look at your status, now it's just crumbling
Bеing on top is kind of fun then
I remembеr when I was vivid
This my world and y'all living in it
It's the new era it's time to pivot
Some people don't know my name
Poking a bear, ain't that a shame?
Oh he holy? Self proclaimed
Words are like bullets, must of been aimed
Dang you must ashamed
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when
I can go one to ten
I remember way back when

Lately I been chasing the paper
Work smarter not harder
Playing on the bench until I make starter(shoutout to nipsey)
It's most of yous game plan
2023, I'm conveying
Bro tryna get a bag, that's what I've been saying
You thought I was playing
No leases on what I own
Take care of business and nobody condone
Maybe I'm just meant to be alone
They tried to dissed me
Ex just called, said that she missed
Used to be weak, I had to fix me
Used to be blind but now I see clearly
(I can go one to ten. I remember way back when)
(I can go one to ten. I remember way back when)
(I can go one to ten. I remember way back when)
(I can go one to ten. I remember way back when)
Holy definitely spun on this one. That's was a ten out of ten