Lights Out by Heroes For Hire Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Lights Out” by Heroes For Hire from the album Lights Out - EP (2008)? More than 159 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Lights Out”.

Lights Out en Lyrics [Heroes For Hire]
Lights Out English Lyrics Album Lights Out - EP

Quote from the song “Lights Out” by Heroes For Hire

Lights out as your eyes get heavy
You better watch out 'cause tonight i'm coming for you
I'll watch you sleep and take your breath away

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Lights Out lyrics [Heroes For Hire]

Heroes For Hire: Lights Out Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Lights Out”

  • Written: Heroes For Hire
  • Vocals: Brad Smith (AU), Duane Hazell
  • Label: Shock Records
  • Mastered: Alan Douches
  • Mixed: Dave Petrovic, Shane Edwards
  • Engineer: Dave Petrovic, Shane Edwards
  • Drums: Lee McGarrity
  • Bass: Mat Hawthorne
  • Guitar: Duane Hazell
  • Release Date: July 3, 2008

Lights Out lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Lights Out lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Lights Out” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Lights Out” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Lights out as your eyes get heavy
You better watch out 'cause tonight i'm coming for you
I'll watch you sleep and take your breath away

Your time has come and your silver bullets won't save you
So take your best shot
Better make this count 'cause this may be the last chance we have
While the full moons up

We're all alone in this nightmare
Theres noone left to hear you scream
Its too late now your falling
Falling into my dreams

Lights out as your eyes geat heavy
You better watch out 'cause tonight i'm coming for you
I'll watch you sleep and take your breath away
Sweet dreams are over my dear
You better run now cause your time is coming soon
I'll run away

Can you survive 'till daylight
Living up through the night
Im watching but i can't can't get you if you call
Its up to you now make your choice
Will you wake up in the morning and dwell upon your past?
Were all alone in this nightmare
Theres noone left to hear your scream
Its too late now your falling
Falling into my dreams

Lights out as your eyes get heavy
You better watch out 'cause tonight im coming for you
Ill watch you sleep and take your breath away
Sweet dreams are over my dear
You better run now cause your time is coming soon
Ill run away

Cause your life will crash before your eyes
(I'll stand i'll stand and watch you fall can you break free from this once more i'll stand i'll stand and watch you falling faster)
Cause your life will crash before your eyes
(I'll stand i'll stand and watch you fall can you break free from this once more i'll stand i'll stand and watch you falling faster)
Cause your life will crash before your eyes
(I'll stand i'll stand and watch you fall can you break free from this once more)
Cause your life will crash before your eyes

Lights out as your eyes get heavy
You better watch out 'cause tonight im coming for you
I'll watch you sleep and take your breath away
Sweet dreams are over my dear
Better run now casue your time is coming soon
I'll run away
I'll stand i'll stand and watch you fall
(Can you break free from this once more)
I'll stand i'll stand and watch you fall
(Can you break free from this once more)

Lights out as your eyes get heavy
You better watch out cause your time is coming soon