I'm Fine by Heart Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “I'm Fine” by Heart from the album Jupiters Darling (2004)? More than 176 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “I'm Fine”.

I\'m Fine en Lyrics [Heart]
I\'m Fine English Lyrics Album Jupiters Darling

Quote from the song “I'm Fine” by Heart

Anyway, as I was saying before we got all blown away ~ oh man
Flash flood in a paper cup ~ no chance to study up ~ oh man
What's the chad confetti stuff shooting out the TV is it Y2K or its it World War 3?
The dogs of reason ran away ~ way into the fray ~ and whoosh the hell we have to pay
Have you heard?


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I'm Fine lyrics [Heart]

Heart: I'm Fine Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “I'm Fine”

  • Produced: Craig Bartock, Nancy Wilson (Heart)
  • Written: Craig Bartock, Nancy Wilson (Heart)
  • Release Date: June 22, 2004

I'm Fine lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: I'm Fine lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “I'm Fine” Released in 2004

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “I'm Fine” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Anyway, as I was saying before we got all blown away ~ oh man
Flash flood in a paper cup ~ no chance to study up ~ oh man
What's the chad confetti stuff shooting out the TV is it Y2K or its it World War 3?
The dogs of reason ran away ~ way into the fray ~ and whoosh the hell we have to pay
Have you heard?

As I was saying, I'm fine
Things don't make sense to me all the time
I'm hanging right on that line
As I was saying, oh I'm fine
Midsummer lifeline in stone crimson love
Slo-mo explosion come down form the above
Tune out the noise of the tumbling world
If you can hear me its' all in a word, have you heard?
Anyway, as I was saying, scuse me for just a minute please ~ oh man
I'm OK I'm OK I'll come around right after I have this little break down