Dreaming of Black Waves by Hangar Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Dreaming of Black Waves” by Hangar from the album Infallible (2009)? More than 171 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Dreaming of Black Waves”.

Dreaming of Black Waves en Lyrics [Hangar]
Dreaming of Black Waves English Lyrics Album Infallible

Quote from the song “Dreaming of Black Waves” by Hangar

I am the one
Who bring you back to life
No matter what I felt
Walking on the water at night
Since I believe
In the lightness of your soul
There is no turning back
I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes
When I saw you alone
Dreaming of black waves
I found the one
I would like to see everyday
Since I believe in the lightness of your soul
There is no turning back
I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes
Everyone has a secret life
Floating among your dreams
You are a miracle in my life
Always keeping everything inside
I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes


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Dreaming of Black Waves lyrics [Hangar]

Hangar: Dreaming of Black Waves Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Dreaming of Black Waves” Released in 2009

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Dreaming of Black Waves” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I am the one
Who bring you back to life
No matter what I felt
Walking on the water at night
Since I believe
In the lightness of your soul
There is no turning back
I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes
When I saw you alone
Dreaming of black waves
I found the one
I would like to see everyday
Since I believe in the lightness of your soul
There is no turning back
I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes
Everyone has a secret life
Floating among your dreams
You are a miracle in my life
Always keeping everything inside
I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes