Herdhya by Gwenno Lyrics
Looking for the Welsh lyrics to “Herdhya” by Gwenno from the album Le Kov (2018)? More than 121 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Herdhya”.
Quote from the song “Herdhya” by Gwenno
Kerrek fell, tonnow gwyls
An ebren loes
Ha my ow sevel war an amal
Ow mires dres an mor
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Herdhya” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Herdhya”
- Produced: Rhys Edwards
- Written: Gwenno
- Drums: Peter Alan Richardson
- Vocals: Gwenno
- Instrumentation: Gwenno, Rhys Edwards
- Mixing Engineer: David Wrench
- Mastering Engineer: Mandy Parnell
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Herdhya”:
- Produced: Rhys Edwards rn
- Written: Gwenno rn
- Drums: Peter Alan Richardson rn
- Vocals: Gwenno rn
- Instrumentation: Gwenno, Rhys Edwards rn
- Mixing Engineer: David Wrench rn
- Mastering Engineer: Mandy Parnell
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Herdhya” Released in 2018
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Herdhya” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Kerrek fell, tonnow gwyls
An ebren loes
Ha my ow sevel war an amal
Ow mires dres an mor
Herdhya yn-tro yn skonna es skon
Yn stegys war ynys, yma own warnav
Herdhya yn-tro yn skonna es skon
Yn stegys war ynys, yma own warnav
Yn pell yn –dann an dowr
Ottoma ple ma’n sita dhyn ni oll
Na fors piw osta, dhia bell ‘wrusta dos
Sita byghan yw homma ha dha sita jy yw dhe vos
Herdhya yn-tro yn skonna es skon
Yn stegys war ynys, yma own warnav
Herdhya yn-tro yn skonna es skon
Yn stegys war ynys, yma own warnav