Case of Fidelity by Greenleaf Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Case of Fidelity” by Greenleaf from the album Nest of Vipers (2012)? More than 99 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Case of Fidelity”.
Quote from the song “Case of Fidelity” by Greenleaf
In the case of fidelity
How would you react
It will never be the same
Just face it, it's a fact
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Case of Fidelity” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Case of Fidelity” Released in 2012
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Case of Fidelity” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
In the case of fidelity
How would you react
It will never be the same
Just face it, it's a fact
You need a ride back home
I lost the way somewhere, I roam
Without you there's no home
Please take me back to where I
We heard the chase is the thing
We got no clue how to change
I sit alone in my house
I will always regret
The years has past me by
My mind will never, never forget
You need a ride back home
I lost the way somewhere, I roam
Without you there's no home
Please take me back to where I
We chase the rabbit on
A track that calls life
Try to get to a point where we...
Find a home and a nice wife
When we finally find that place
Stupidity in your face
We chase the rabbit on
A track that calls life
Try to get to a point where we...
Find a home and a pretty nice wife
When we finally find that place
Stupidity in your face
The black deamon
Is coming
Eat you alive
Try to fight your way out
From the
Hopeless case
The hopeless case of fidelity
When we finally find that place
Stupidity in your face
Stupidity in your face
Stupidity in your face