Let the Evil Go East by Greeley Estates Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Let the Evil Go East” by Greeley Estates from the album Go West Young Man, Let the Evil Go East (2008)? More than 141 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Let the Evil Go East”.

Let the Evil Go East en Lyrics [Greeley Estates]
Let the Evil Go East English Lyrics Album Go West Young Man, Let the Evil Go East

Quote from the song “Let the Evil Go East” by Greeley Estates

Will you send me a sign to show me that you're up there?
I want to believe


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Let the Evil Go East lyrics [Greeley Estates]

Greeley Estates: Let the Evil Go East Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Let the Evil Go East”

  • Featuring: Cameron Martin
  • Release Date:

Let the Evil Go East lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Let the Evil Go East lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Let the Evil Go East”:

  • Featuring: Cameron Martin

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Let the Evil Go East” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Let the Evil Go East” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Will you send me a sign to show me that you're up there?
I want to believe

Why should I trust in something I've never seen before?
In someone I've never met before?
Why should I trust in you?
How do I even know that you're even there?

Will you send me a sign to show me that you're up there?
I want to believe, open my eyes
I want to know what I'm missing

I'm not the man I thought I would be
Can you help me?
I'm so full of sin, the evil's inside me
Will you help me?

They say there's nothing, and that I'm foolish to believe so
And that it's all inside my head, that it's all inside
Tell me this is what I've waited for

Will you send me a sign to show me that you're up there?
I want to believe, open my eyes
I want to know what I'm missing
I want to believe
Will you send me a sign to show me that you're up there?
I want to believe
Open my eyes because I want to feel your grace
And this time I'm sure, I know that you're listening

Cover your eyes, forget what you see
Go west young man, let the evil go east

This time I'm sure, I know that you're listening