옥상에서 by 고도현 (Go Do Hyun) Lyrics

Looking for the Korean lyrics to “옥상에서” by 고도현 (Go Do Hyun) from the album 동네 (Neighborhood) (2018)? More than 44 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “옥상에서”.

옥상에서 ko Lyrics [고도현 (Go Do Hyun)]
옥상에서 Korean Lyrics Album 동네 (Neighborhood)

Quote from the song “옥상에서” by 고도현 (Go Do Hyun)

뒤척이다 도저히 갈 곳 없어
아껴뒀던 옥상에 올라가고
누가 던진 의자에
몸을 누워버렸지


Can you finish lyrics of the song “옥상에서” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

옥상에서 lyrics [고도현 (Go Do Hyun)]

고도현 (Go Do Hyun): 옥상에서 Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “옥상에서”

고도현 (Go Do Hyun) - “옥상에서” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of 고도현 (Go Do Hyun) will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples 옥상에서?
  • Where is 옥상에서 music video clip?
  • Who was in the 옥상에서 official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song 옥상에서?
  • What is the meaning of the song 옥상에서?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “옥상에서”

  • Produced: 고도현 (Go Do Hyun)
  • Written: 고도현 (Go Do Hyun)
  • Arranged: 고도현 (Go Do Hyun)
  • Composed: 고도현 (Go Do Hyun)
  • Release Date: August 8, 2018

옥상에서 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: 옥상에서 lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “옥상에서” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “옥상에서” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

뒤척이다 도저히 갈 곳 없어
아껴뒀던 옥상에 올라가고
누가 던진 의자에
몸을 누워버렸지


뒷산에서 넘어온 그늘들을
마주 보며 아무 말 없이
심심하면 또 담배
하나 물고 서 있지


걱정은 가끔 내 몸에 남아
배부를 때쯤 비집고 나와
슬그머니 내게 안부를 묻고선
옆에 있지 그냥 있지

아직도 남아~아아~
아직도 남아~아아~
아직도 남아~아아~
아직도 남아~아아~